Monday, February 24, 2014

okay what the heck i'm waiting here to hear about this supposedly newborn baby that i'm missing out on???
the weeks fly past seriously i don't even understand.
okay cool things this week.
i went to the temple. to the korean session. what? yeah i know. it was crazy.
it was soooo awesome though. i had a translator obviously so that i could understand the covenants i was making, but for the most part i just listened to the korean and i could understand a lot of it! it was awesome and I paid attention super well haha. going to the temple as a missionary is like the best but it's so hard because you are literally exhausted so it's super easy to accidentally fall asleep in the middle of the session. anwyay when i get up to the veil apparently the thought i could speak korean or something because they put me with a host that didn't speak english i was like uhhh...she was like can you speak korean? and i was like uh not for this....and she was like fussing around and i noticed she had a card thing with what to say on it so i was like i can read the korean and i know what it means in english and she's like okay. so i start doing it and turns out it's President Morrise behind the veil and he realized that I was an American missionary so he just started speaking English, but then I forgot the last part and she couldn't help me and he couldn't say anything so i was like freaking out. and i just ended up reading it off the sheet in Korean. it was crazy. kind of stressful and I'll definitely never forget that experience.
anyway the temple is always so special. i just sit in the celestial room and i know that that is what it will be like in the celestial kingdom. except i was thinking about it later and the only thing that will be different is that we won't have to feel like we never want to leave because we won't have to!! can't wait for the day where we can live together forever in paradise! that goal keeps me going in life!
second cool thing. we had a baptism!!! (excuse my fatness and horrible hair in the pic) it was so good. it was kind of weird because i didn't actually teach her any of the actual lessons so she wasn't really "my investigator" but it was still an amazing experience obviously. and for sure i'm baptizing all my friends when i get home because the church is literally the best thing in the whole world and why would anyone reject it???? for real though. the church is true and the book of mormon is the single greatest book in the world. i think i told you i'm a little obsessed with it. well that still goes for this week. also i love general conference. can you believe it's almost time for another general conference?? what the heck weird.
oh my gosh third cool thing.
so we were riding the subway (i went to gangnam and had mexican food on our pday after the temple but that's a different story) and i noticed this lady was reading the bible. aka perfect in to talk to her. so i was like heeeeyyy are you perhaps reading the bible?? and she's like yeah...and i was like well cool i'm a missionary!! and then we started talking about the book of mormon and she took it and looked at it and read part of the intro and was asking questions about it and gave it back and i was like oh well if you want to read it you can have it and she was like ah i'm okay i don't know that much about it (koreans use that excuse for everything. seriously if you don't know much about it then read it people!!) so i was like okay well can i have your number so we can teach you more about it and she was like it's okay. but i didn't stop there!! i pulled out a pamphlet and she was looking through it and i taught to her about how prophets are important and how that's our message today that we have a prophet that restored Christ's original church! (how great of a message is that seriously) and I talked to her about Joseph Smith and the priesthood and then how we can know if it's true by praying of course! And then it was our stop and i was like NO i have to get her number! but she already rejected me once...but i didn't care haha so i was like well can i have your number so we can talk about questions you have? and she like moves around and reaches in her pocket and gives me her business card!! i was like cool thanks see you later since i had to get off. but it was so awesome such a miracle!! Heavenly Father blessed me on that one. Okay well he blesses me on a lot of things. for real though. Serving with a Korean makes me wonder how I did any missionary work with an American. yeah it's called this is the Lord's work and He does everything and I do nothing. Crazy crazy blessings.
Okay that was super long. well love you!!
have a good week!!
Sister BLick

Monday, February 17, 2014

Members from Caitlin's last ward

hi family!! get. this. this wednesday is my six month mark in country. how crazy is that!!! aka i've been living in south korea for half a year. what the. unbelievable. also another crazy thing. they eat this stuff called 떡 and it's like rice cake stuff. anyways the other day i realized uh i grew up eating this. what is it?? STICKIES!!! hahah they just eat it in like soup and different stuff too so i never thought about it before. i was dying.
so i'm pretty much obsessed with the Book of Mormon. it's literally the greatest thing in the whole world and I wish I could just read it forever and ever.
oh just remembered that i have to email my investigators that are in russiaaa!!!
okay well we have an investigator that's getting baptized this saturday! her english name is gloria and she's 14 i think. maybe 15. she's super cute and it's like a miracle because at first her mom said no because she said she thought she was too young to make that decision but she finally gave her permission!
we have another investigator who's 11 and her name is en ji. she is hilarious. i love her and she's supposed to get baptized in about a month. she came to church for the first time yesterday and asked what the sacrament was so i explained it to her and she's like ooooh. so when the water came around she drank it and then says the equivalent of mm that water was delicious. hahah i was dying inside.
we have another investigator that has a date for april but i'm kind of worried about her because the reason she started investigating the church is because her boyfriend is a member and he won't get married outside of the temple...she didn't have a religion growing up so she doesn't really know anything about God or Christ. But hopefully her desire to learn will deepen and she'll want to learn for herself not just to get married. her name is sister chway. okay i am horrible at romanizing korean so sorry.
anyway Heavenly Father sent some miracles my way this week He was very nice to me.
read the book of mormon people. and be converted unto the Lord. Love you!!
Sister Blick

Sunday, February 16, 2014

hi hi hiiii!!! new area new comp new news!!
okay last week was an interesting progression. first i was way sad because i was leaving my old area and all my investigators. but seriously the best miracles happened. so i wanted to meet lee before i left plus she was going to Russia for a month and we needed to meet with her before she left. So I called her to see if we could meet and it turned out she was packing to leave super early the next morning for a boat to China and she couldn't meet again. BUT she was like yeah so I decided to read the Book of Mormon while I'm in Russia. I was like WHAT???? she's like at first I wasn't sure and I didn't really want to, but now I want to so I'm going to read it while I'm gone and then I can meet when I get back. Oh my gosh first best news of the week!!!
Then the next day we went to go meet with Will (the guy that's like a hippy) but he doesn't have a phone so we couldn't set up an appointment, but I remembered where the lab was that he worked out. I was super nervous to go there because I thought it would be awkward walking on the university campus and just going into the lab like hey is will here? not knowing if he would actually be there. but he was!! and during our lesson he ALSO said yeah so I'm going to read the Book of Mormon while I'm in Russia (he's going with Lee, they work in the same lab at school). And me Sister Gap were like WHAAAT??? yeah it was awesome.
then i moved to my new area and they have two investigators with baptismal dates okay what? and other investigators with lots and lots of potential. it's kind of sad because i feel like they're not really my investigators because i didn't teach them really but it's still exciting!
So I've been studying out of the Book of Mormon lately (my new comp is pretty quiet so I have a lot of time to myself) and I love it. Alma is the best seriously. I've been reading out of the war chapters and sometimes it's hard to see how those are really relevant, but I have learned SO much from them. I don't really have time to explain all of it now, but it just goes to show that when we ask Heavenly Father to open our minds and teach us, He will. Through scripture study, and through feasting on the words, we can learn so much through the spirit. Our minds can be enlightened! It's amazing. So read the scriptures. But don't just read. Ask questions. Ponder. Pray. Feast! Love you all
Sister Blick