Monday, August 25, 2014

hello hello helllooooo. sorry jacks i probs should've added you to this chain a long time ago because i know you love me already and want to know everything about my life for the time being.
well saddest news of my life came yesterday when President told me I would be transferring from my ward to another area. well to be honest i already knew that i would leave but i was still really sad. i went to the temple last week and me and sister hoffman were fasting and she wanted to pray together in the celestial room so we sat in one of the sealing rooms and as i was praying i knew that i would leave. i didn't know why but i knew that for some reason the Lord wanted me to leave. and of course I was heartbroken but there was nothing really I could do about it. I started bawling my eyes out during sacrament meeting and then i had to get up and give my farewell to the ward and that was a challenge let me tell you. i talked about i didn't want to go but that i would because it's what the Lord has asked. and will always do what the Lord asks because I already made a promise with Him that I would. So now I never have to think about whether or not I'm going to do what He asks because I already promised Him that I would. I told them that my time with them made me think of 2 Nephi 5:27: "And it came to pass, we lived after the manner of happiness." As I have served in this ward  I have come to love them will all my heart and I learned here what happiness meant to me and I was truly happy. I'm sad to leave but I will do what the Lord has asked me.
but one of the greatest news of my life! Sister Choi is getting baptized next week! Sad that it's after the transfer but we're trying to figure out a way for me to still attend. She broke down during sacrament because I was leaving and spent half of the sacrament meeting out in the hall crying with one of our members. but after church she had her baptismal interview that took 2 hours! we were a little worried but she passed! she still doesn't know everything but she is willing to try and she wants the gospel to bless her family so much that she knows she needs to be the example if she ever wants her children to believe and follow God. i love her so much she is like family. i will never forget her.
we had a lot of other miracles this week and i know i will continue to see many miracles in the future. i'm so beyond grateful for this mission experience that has taught me so much about myself. the gospel is the only way to real happiness i'm 100% sure of it. i love you all so much and i will see you too soon so don't miss me!
this email is kind of short but many pictures are coming!!
Sister Blickenstaff

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